“Alabama is at a critical juncture in public education. The expectations of our students and teachers are higher than ever. Highly effective leaders must guide the way through these challenging times. I am encouraged by the continued success of the University of Alabama Superintendents’ Academy in preparing our future leaders.”
– State Superintendent of Education Dr. Eric Mackey
Ms. Stevie Ash
“State Technology Standards and Course of Study” May, 2003
“Evaluation of Technology Instruction” May, 2003
Dr. Connie Bain
Technology Director, Vestavia Hills City Schools
“Technology in Our Schools” June, 2011
Dr. C. C. Baker
School Board Consultant
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2010
Ms. Katrine Balch
Director of Education, U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama
“Extending the Curriculum Beyond the Classroom” June, 2005
Ms. Dorothy Ball
Financial Consultant,
“Alabama School Finance – 2007: A Practical Approach” September, 2006
Dr. Rebecca Ballard
Director of College Relations/Capstone Society Coordinator, The University of Alabama
“Visual Imaging and Photography for the School Leader” May, 2006
Dr. Martha Barber
ARI Regional Principal Coach, Alabama State Department of Education
“The Impact of Race and Poverty on our Educational System” September, 2006
“Writing/Reading and Embedded Staff Development” June, 2003
Dr. Angela Benson
Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
“Technology Problems and Solutions in K-12 Edudation” June, 2011
“Board Policy Matters” June, 2010
“Board Policy Matters” September, 2009
Dr. Steve Benson
Principal, Tuscaloosa County High School
“Administration and Technology: A Principal’s Perspective” June, 2004
Dr. Carmalita Bevins
“What Special Education Personnel Need Their Superintendents to Know: A Basic Guide for the Visionary Leader – Best Practices for Implementation” March, 2003
Ms. LuAnn Bird
Director of Board Development, The Alabama Association of School Boards
“Building Strong Governance Teams” September, 2009
Dr. Harold Bishop (deceased)
Professor, The University of Alabama
“Vision, Strategic Planning, and Dealing with the Future” July, 2005
“Communications and School Board Policy: A Guide to District Governance” October, 2004
“School Board Policy and Technology” June, 2004
“Communications and School Board Policy” October, 2003
“Change Models and Methods: Empowering Community Groups” March, 2003
“Strategic Planning for Change” March, 2003
“Policies as a Tool of Communication – The Development Process” October, 2002
Dr. Jamie Blair
Superintendent, Vestavia Hills City Schools
“Strategic Planning: The Superintendent’s Point of View” September, 2010
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2009
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2008
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2007
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2006
“What it Takes to Become a Successful Superintendent” August, 2005
“Communications and School Board Policy: A Guide to District Governance” October, 2004
“Board Policies Relative to Curriculum” June, 2003
“Implementing the Strategic Plan” March, 2003
Ms. Stephanie Brooks
Marketing Coordinator, Royal American Hospitality, Panama City, FL
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Dr. Daniel Boyd
Assistant Superintendent, Lowndes County Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Communicating the Instructional Program” October, 2003
Mr. Roy E. Brewer
President, Capstone Development International
“The Communication Model: Selecting the Right Communication Method” July, 2008
Dr. Frank Buck
Dr. Frank Buck, Curriculum and Special Education Supervisor
Author of Get Organized: Time Management for School Leaders
“Get Organized, Leadership by Example” August, 2008
Dr. Marcia Burke
Educational Consultant, Burke Education
“School Board Policy: A Superintendent’s View” September, 2010
“Approaches to Instructional Leadership for the School Superintendent” May, 2010
“Curriculum and Instructional Leadership for the School Superintendent” May, 2009
“Curriculum and Instructional Leadership for the School Superintendent” June, 2008
“Developing a Vision for Improving School Achievement” September, 2006
“Aligning the Curriculum with Tests and Standards” June, 2005
“Disaggregation and Analyzing Test Data” June, 2005
“Diagnostic and Prescriptive Instruction” June, 2005
“Communicating the Instructional Program” October, 2004
“Instructional Resources and Assessment” February, 2004
“Curriculum and Instructional Leadership Group Activity” February, 2004
“Communicating the Instructional Program” October, 2003
Mr. Jeff Cameron
President, Brainchild
“Mobile Learning for Data-Driven, Standards-based Instruction
Dr. Deron Cameron
Principal, University Place Elementary, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“A Conversation: Technology for Professional Development” September, 2009
Dr. Kim Sydow Campbell
Associate Professor of Marketing and Management, The University of Alabama
“Thinking and Interacting Like a Leader: The TILL System for Effective Interpersoanl Communication”
August 2006
Ms. Burns Carnes
Technology Coordinator, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“An Innovative Approach to Technology and Communications at the School Level” July, 2005
Dr. Barry Carroll
Superintendent, Limestone County Schools
“Using the Results of Student Assessment to Design Intervention Measures” February, 2004
Dr. Henry Clark
Superintendent, Madison City Schools
“The Superintendent and Curriculum” June, 2003
“Board Policies Relative to Curriculum” June, 2003
“Ethical and Social Challenges, and Organizing the District for Effective Change” March, 2003
Dr. Bill Cleveland
Superintendent, Homewood City Schools
“Straight Talk About the Superintendency” September, 2010
Dr. Jane Cobia
Superintendent, Sylacauga City Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Anticipating the First Year Experiences: Insights and Implementing Your Vision” August, 2005
“The First Days on the Job” August, 2004
Mr. Patrick R. Conner, CPA
Chief School Finance Officer, Tuscaloosa County Schools
President, Alabama Association of School Business Officials
“Budgeting and Financial Reporting” May, 2011
“Financial Reporting” April, 2010
“Finance for the School Superintendent” April, 2009
“Audits and Findings for the School Superintendent” May, 2008
“Financial Reporting and the Alabama Chief School Financial Officer” March, 2007
“Technology Infrastructure and Finance” July, 2005
“Recent Developments in School System Software” June, 2004
“Role of the School Business Officer” April, 2004
“Common Obstacles to School Accountability: A Review of Audit Findings” April, 2004
“Financial Accounting” April, 2004
“Basic Accounting for Superintendents” April, 2004
“The Budget Process and the Chief School Financial Officer” February, 2004
Dr. Jorge Correa
Assistant Professor, Berry College
“The Hispanic Experience in Alabama: Future Issues/Needs” August, 2004
Dr. John William Covington
Superintendent, Lowndes County Schools
“Hiring a Technology Coordinator” May, 2003
“Implementing the Strategic Plan” March, 2003
Dr. John William Covington
Superintendent, Lowndes County Schools
“Hiring a Technology Coordinator” May, 2003
“Implementing the Strategic Plan” March, 2003
Dr. David Dagley, Esquire
Professor, The University of Alabama
“School Law for the Superintendent” March, 2010
“School Law for the Superintendent” February, 2009
“School Law for the Superintendent” April, 2008
“School Law for the Superintendent” February, 2007
“School Law for the Superintendent” May, 2006
“Board Meeting Management: Agendas, Policy, Alabama Open Meetings Act, and Role of the School Board Attorney” August, 2005
“School Law for the Superintendent” April, 2005
“School Law for the Superintendent” December, 2003
“School Law for the Superintendent” December, 2002
“Policies as a Tool of Communication – Legal Perspectives” October, 2002
Dr. Mike Daria
Executive Director of Personnel, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“Data Integration and Decision Making” June, 2010
“A Conversation: Technology for Professional Development” September, 2009
Mr. David Davis
President, DavisDenny Advertising & Related Services, Inc., Birmingham, AL
“Crisis Communications for School Officials” October, 2003
Dr. Karen T. DeLano
Assistant Superintendent, Vestavia Hills City Schools
“Strategic Planning: The Superintendent’s Point of View” September, 2010
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2009
“Strategic Planning for School Achievement” September, 2008
Dr. John Dolly
Dean, College of Education, The University of Alabama
“Communications and the Superintendent” October, 2002
Ms. Mary Nell Driggers
Financial Consultant, Alabama State Department of Education
“Alabama School Finance – 2011: A Practical Approach” May, 2011
“Alabama School Finance – 2010: A Practical Approach” April, 2010
“Alabama School Finance – 2009: A Practical Approach” April, 2009
“Alabama School Finance – 2008: A Practical Approach” May, 2008
“Alabama School Finance – 2007: A Practical Approach” September, 2007
“The Foundation Program: A Practical Review” May, 2004
“Accountability, Audits, and the Alabama Bid Law” May, 2004
“The Foundation Program: A Practical Review, Audits and Accountability” February, 2004
Ms. Emily Edgar
Assistant Superintendent, Opp City Schools
“Improving Instruction, Opp City Schools’ Approach” May, 2010
Mr. Mitch Edwards
Senior Vice President, Highground Solutions
“Building Trust Through Rapid Notifications” June, 2011
“Building Trust Through Rapid Notifications” June, 2010
Dr. Cindy Elsberry
Superintendent, Talladega County Schools
“The First Days on the Job” August, 2004
Honorable John H. England, Jr.,
Circuit Court Judge, 6th Judicial Circuit,
Tuscaloosa, AL
“Opening Address” April, 2008
Dr. Nirmala Ervelles
Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
“Diversity, Community, and Leadership” September, 2007
“Foundations of a Diverse Society: Alabama Schools – Past, Present and Future” March, 2003
Dr. Nathan L. Essex
Professor, University of Memphis
“Issues in School Law” March, 2010
Dr. Sammy Felton
Superintendent, Anniston City Schools
“Current Communication Issues” October, 2002
“The Real World: Communication in a Culture of Policies, Politics, Processes, and Power” October, 2002
Mr. Daniel J. Forturne
Assistant United States Attorney, Northern District of Alabama
“Bullying: Beyond the Playground” June, 2011
Dr. Linda Felton-Smith
Superintendent, Troy City Schools
“Using the Results of Student Assessment to Design Intervention Measures” June, 2005
“Using the Results of Student Assessment to Design Intervention Measures” February, 2004
Mr. Shelton Foss, Esquire
Johnston, Barton, Powell & Proctor, LLC
“Public Records – Open Records” November, 2003
Dr. Wayne Flynt,
Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Auburn University
“Tradition and Pluralism in Alabama” September, 2010
“Tradition and Pluralism in Alabama” September, 2009
Dr. John Freeman, Co-Founder
Director 2002 – 2005
Lecturer – School Improvement and Financial Management
Dr. Susanne Freeman
Superintendent, Trussville Public Schools
“The Role of the Superintendent in Professional Development” June, 2005
Ms. Jennifer Fritschi
AlaPT3 Trainer & MarcoPolo State Administrator
“Assistive Technology in P-12 Schools: What Administrators Need to Know” June, 2004
“The Digital Divide and Professional Development” May, 2003
Ms. Amy E. Gallimore, Esquire
Whatley Drake, LLC
Moderator, “Communications for the School Superintendent” July, 2011
“Your Professional Image, Writing the ‘Bio’ and Media Tips for the School Official” July, 2008
“The Executive Bio: What, Why, and Making a Positive First Impression” August, 2007
“The Executive Bio: What, Why, and Making a Positive First Impression” June, 2006
“The Public Information Officer” October, 2004
“The Public Information Officer” October,2003
“Communications for the School Superintendent” October, 2003
Dr. J. Elizabeth Gibbs
Instructional Technology Consultant
“School Technology Leaders: Web Leaders” June, 2004
“Online Professional Development for Teachers” June, 2004
“Technology on a Shoestring Budget” June, 2004
Mr. Edmundo Gonzalez
Vice President, Marketing/Product Development, Software Technoloiges, Inc.
“STI and the Alabama Information System Initiative” July, 2005
Dr. Jeff Goodwin
Superintendent, Oxford City Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
Mr. Jim Harris
Alabama State Department of Education
“E-rate: An Overview and the Application Process” May, 2003
Dr. Jan Harris
Superintendent, Cullman City Schools
“Make it a Great Day – Studies from The Principal’s Office” July, 2011
“Make it a Great Day – Studies from The Principal’s Office” July, 2010
“Technology for Today’s Leader” September, 2009
“One to One Initiative, Our Story” August, 2008
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
Dr. Ira Harvey
Financial Consultant
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” May, 2011
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” April, 2010
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” April, 2009
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” March, 2008
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” March, 2007
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” August, 2006
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” February, 2005
“Educational Finance for the School Superintendent” April, 2004
“School Finance for the Superintendent” February, 2003
Dr. Stephen Hecker
Project Coordinator, Michigan Intel ® Teach to Its Future
“Intel ® Teach to the Future Leadership Forum” June, 2006
Dr. Leon Hobbs
Superintendent, Dothan City Schools
“Negotiating the Contract: Recognizing Value” August, 2005
“The New Professional Development Technology Standards for K-12″ July, 2005
Dr. Deborah Horn
Superintendent, Bessemer City Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek the Job” August, 2004
Dr. Nancy Horton
Superintendent, Cullman County Schools
“Anticipating the First Year Experiences: Insights and Implementing Your Vision” August, 2005
“Understanding the Elected Superintendency” August, 2004
Lieutenant Bill Hough
Alabama Bureau of Investigation, Cyber-Crime Unit
“Cyberbullying, Social Networking, and Internet Crimes” June, 2010
Ms. Laura Howe
Senior Director of Public Affairs, American National Red Cross
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Ms. Sally Howell, J.D.,
Executive Director, The Alabama Association of School Boards
“Building Strong Governance Teams” September, 2009
Dr. James Irby, Esquire
Potts & Young
“Negotiating the Contract and Closing the ‘Deal’” August, 2004
“Legal Roles and Duties of Alabama Superintendents” October, 2002
“The Real World: Communication in a Culture of Policies, Politics, Processes, and Power” October, 2002
Mr. Feagin Johnson
Assistant Superintendent, Alabama Schools
“The History and Future of the Superintendents’ Academy” October, 2002
Mr. Doug Jones, Esquire
Haskell Slaughter Young & Rediker, LLC
“The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Effect on Today’s Community” September, 2010
“The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Effect on Today’s Community” September, 2009
“The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Effect on Today’s Community” September, 2008
“The Struggle for Civil Rights: The Effect on Today’s Community” September, 2007
What Journalists and the Public Expect from a Public Leader – Accessibility and Integrity” October, 2004
“What Journalists and the Public Expect from a Public Leader – Accessibility and Integrity” October 2003
Dr. Alesa Judd
Technology Coordinator and Assistant to the Superintendent, Bibb County Schools
“What Superintendents Need to Know About Technology” June, 2004
Dr. Suzanne Lacey
Superintendent, Talladega County Schools
“Straight Talk About the Superintendency” September, 2010
Dr. Joyce Levey
Superintendent, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“A Conversation: Technology for Professional Development” September, 2009
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
“ThrowingYour Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek the Job” August, 2004
Dr. Timothy D. Lewis
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Technology Problems and Solutions in K-12 Edudation” June, 2011
“Making the IPad Work for You” June, 2010
“Educational Technologies: What is Available and How Will They Work for Us” June, 2010
“Technology for Stakeholder Communications” September, 2009
“Alabama Technology Standards for Teachers and Administrators; Developing a Vision of Technology” June, 2007
Dr. Susan Lockwood
Executive Director, School Superintendents of Alabama
“So You Want to be a School Superintendent” September 2009
“Communications and School System Governance” August, 2006
“Communications: The School Board and the Superintendent” October, 2004
“The Interview Process” August, 2004
“Communicating with Your Board: When, Where and How” October, 2003
“Communications and School District Governance” October, 2003
“Court Orders and Consent Decrees” March, 2003
“Ethical and Social Challenges, and Organizing the District for Effective Change” March, 2003
Dr. Tim Lull
Superintendent, Opp City Schools
“The Role of the Superintendent in Professional Development” February, 2004
“Board Policies Relative to Curriculum” June, 2003
Dr. Melinda Maddox
State Coordinator, Technology Initiatives, Alabama State Department of Education
“Technology Initiatives” June, 2011
“ACCESS Update” June, 2010
“Alabama State Department of Education Technology Initiatives” June, 2004
“Technology Initiatives and Impact Docments” May, 2003
Mr. Mark Mason
IBM Representative
“Using Data for K12 Insight” June, 2011
“Data Integration and Decision Making” June, 2010
McAleer Solutions, Mobile, Alabama
“Recent Developments in School System Software – McAleer Computer Associates, Inc.” June, 2004
Dr. Kresyln McGinnis
Principal, Terry Heights Elementary School, Huntsville City Schools
“The Face of Poverty” September, 2007
Dr. James E. McLean
Dean College of Education, The University of Alabama
“Dimensions and Types of Diversity” September, 2006
Dr. Roxanne Mitchell
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Diversity, School Culture, and Student Performance” September, 2008
Dr. Ann Roy Moore
Superintendent, Huntsville City Schools
“The Role of the Superintendent in Professional Development” February, 2004
“Communications with Diverse Groups – Know Your Public” October, 2003
“Ethical and Social Challenges, and Organizing the District for Effective Change” March, 2003
Mr. John Moore
Superintendent, Leeds City Schools
“Straight Talk About the Superintendency” September, 2010
Dr. Joseph Morton
State Superintendent of Education
“Curriculum/Assessment/Accountability for Student Learning” February, 2004
Mr. Matt Nelko
Writer and Consultant, New York City
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Dr. Byron Nelson
School Board Consultant
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2010
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2009
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2008
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2007
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2006
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” August, 2005
“The School Board’s Expectations” August, 2004
Dr. Jodi Newton
Superintendent, Homewood City Schools
“The Role of the Superintendent in Professional Development” February, 2004
Dr. Rose Mary Newton
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Overview of Curriculum and Instructional Leadership” June, 2005
“Curriculum: Essential Considerations, Standards and Historical Perspectives” February, 2004
“Curriculum and Instructional Leadership Group Activity” February, 2004
“The Superintendent and Curriculum” May, 2003
Dr. Stephen Nolin
Interim Superintendent, Madison City Schools
“Superintendents’ PEPE” September, 2006
Mr. Chris Osborne
American Red Cross, Birmingham, Alabama
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Mr. John Osburn
Educational Consultant
“School Board Policy: A Superintendent’s View” September, 2010
“Superintendents’ PEPE, Alabama Leadership Standards and a Practical View of Both” June, 2008
Mr. Rich Palmer
Media Trainer
“Getting Your Message Out: A Hands-on Skill Development Workshop” July, 2010
Dr. Shannon Parks
Director, Delta3 Project, Alabama State Department of Education
“The New Professional Development Technology Standards for K-12″ July, 2005
Dr. Jerry Patterson
Professor, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
“Moving from Survival to Thriving in the Face of Adversity” August, 2005
“The Harsh Reality of Leading Technology Change” July, 2005
Dr. Harold Patterson
School Board Consultant
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2010
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2009
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2008
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” September, 2007
“The School Board’s Expectations: A Consultant’s View” August, 2005
“The School Board’s Expectations” August, 2004
Mr. Tim Perkins
Tuscaloosa County Schools
“Bidding for Technology and Funding Sources” May, 2003
Dr. John Petrovic
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Foundations of a Diverse Society: Alabama Schools – Past, Present and Future” March, 2003
Mr. Ike Piggott
Positive Media Consulting
“Getting Your Message Out: A Hands-on Skill Development Workshop” July, 2011
“Getting Your Message Out: A Hands-on Skill Development Workshop” July, 2010
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
“Getting Your Message Out: A Hands-on Skill Development Workshop” July, 2008
“Getting Your Message Out” August, 2006
“Getting Your Message Out” October, 2004
“Getting Your Message Out” August, 2004
“Communications and the Media” October, 2002
Ms. Cathy Poage
Coordinator of Accountability, Instructional Services, Alabama Department of Education
“AYP and Accountability” May, 2010
Mr. Craig Pouncey
Assistant State Superintendent of Education, Division of Administrative and Financial Services
“School Finance in Alabama” April, 2010
“School Finance in Alabama” February, 2005
Dr. Fred Primm, Jr.
Superintendent, Sumter County Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Anticipating the First Year Experiences: Insights and Implementing Your Vision” August, 2005
Dr. Douglas Ragland
Superintendent, Greene County Schools
“Anticipating the First Year Experiences: Insights and Implementing Your Vision” August, 2005
“Communications and School Board Policy: A Guide to District Governance” October, 2004
“Researching the Position” August, 2004
Major Herb Ragsdale
Principal, Central High School, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“How Schools Make a Difference – A Principal’s Perspective” September, 2009
Dr. Margaret L. Rice
Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
“Technology Problems and Solutions in K-12 Edudation” June, 2011
“Making the IPad Work for You” June, 2010
“Educational Technologies: What is Available and How Will They Work for Us” June, 2010
“State Course of Study: Technology Education Alabama Technology Initiatives” August, 2008
“The Digital Divide and Technology: What can we do?” June, 2007
“Alabama Technology Standards for Teachers and Administrators; Developing a Vision of Technology” June 2007
“Emerging Technologies and Education: Can You Meet Your Students’ and Parents’ Expectations in the Classroom?” July, 2005
Dr. Richard L. Rice, Jr., Esquire
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Basic Accounting for Superintendents” April, 2004
“Financial Accounting” April, 2004
“Acceptable Use Policies and Copyright Issues” May, 2003
Dr. Ed Richardson
Superintendent, Alabama Schools
“Communications and the Superintendent” October, 2002
Ms. Christine Riser
Freelance Communications Consultant
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Ms. Maggie Rivers
Director of Federal Programs, Alabama State Department of Education
“Assessment and Accountability for Student Learning” June, 2005
Dr. Marti Rizzuto
Superintendent, Tarrant City Schools
“Student Achievement Strategies that Work” May, 2009
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
Panel Discussion: “Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: Anticipating the First Year Experiences, and Implementing Your Vision” September, 2006
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek the Job” August, 2004
Ms. Carolyn Roy
Anchor/Reporter, Lake Charles, Louisiana
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Mr. Mike Royer
Newscast Anchor, NBC-13 News
“A TV Interview – An Evenening Anchor’s Perspective” July, 2011
“How to Prepare for a TV Interview – An Evening Anchor’s Approach” July, 2010
“The TV Interview – A Newscast Anchor’s Perspective” August, 2006
Mr. Tom Salter
Communications Officer, Montgomery County Public Schools
“Public Relations for the School Superintendent: A Basic Guide” July, 2011
“Public Relations for the School Superintendent: A Basic Guide” July, 2010
“Public Relations for Alabama Educators: A Primer on School Communication
for Alabama Superintendents” July, 2009
“Public Relations for the School Superintendent: A Basic Guide” July, 2008
“Public Relations for the School Superintendent: A Basic Guide” August, 2006
“Public Relations for the Superintendency – A Beginner’s Guide” October, 2004
Mr. Mike Scroggins
Director, County Audit Division, Alabama Examiners of Public Accounts
“The Role of the Examiner of Public Accounts” April, 2004
Mr. Solomon Seay
Attorney at Law
“Ethical and Social Challenges, and Organizing the District for Effective Change” March, 2003
Dr. N. Joyce Sellers (deceased)
Superintendent, Tuscaloosa County Schools
“Curriculum and Instructional Leadership Group Activity” February, 2004
“Roles: The State Government, the School Board, and the Superintendent” February, 2004
“Using the Results of Student Assessment to Design Intervention Measures” February, 2004
“Board Policies Relative to Curriculum” June, 2003
“General Roles and Duties of the Superintendent” October, 2002
“The Real World: Communication in a Culture of Policies, Politics, Processes, and Power” October, 2002
Dr. Amilcar Shabazz
Associate Professor, The University of Alabama
“Historical Perspectives and Understanding the Community” August, 2004
“Historical Events that Impacted Alabama Educational Delivery Systems from 1785 through 1954″ March, 2003
Mr. Brandon Shepherd
Former Student, Central High School, Tuscaloosa City Schools
“How Schools Make a Difference – A Student’s Perspective” September, 2009
Dr. Sandra Sims-deGraffenried
Executive Director, Alabama Association of School Administrators
“Communications: The School Board and the Superintendent” October, 2004
Mr. Alton Sizemore, Jr.
Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Coordinator Cybercrime Squad, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Birmingham, AL
“The FBI’s New Role and Technology” July, 2005
“The FBI’s Role in Technology” June, 2004
“The FBI’s Role in Technology” May, 2003
Dr. Lex Smith
“What Special Education Personnel Need Their Superintendents to Know: A Basic Guide for the Visionary Leader – Laws, Policies and Procedures” March, 2003
Mr. David Smith
Executive Director, Alabama Association of School Business Officials
“Budgeting for the School Superintendent” March, 2007
Mr. Michael Smithart
Superintendent, Opp City Schools
“Improving Instruction, Opp City Schools’ Approach” May, 2010
Ms. Rosalyn Spivey
Assistant Principal, Liberty Park Elementary School, Vestavia Hills City Schools
“Using Technology to Communicate Effectively” October, 2003
“Effectiveness and Best Practices: Technology in Instruction” May, 2003
Dr. Joyce Stallworth
Associate Dean, The University of Alabama
“Essential Information Enabling Superintendents to Exercise Oversight in the Performance of Their Instructional Leadership Role” June, 2005
Dr. Lisa Stamps
“What Special Education Personnel Need Their Superintendents to Know: A Basic Guide for the Visionary Leader – Structuring and Delivering Programs and Models for the Gifted” March, 2003
Mr. Tommy Stevenson
Associate Editor, The Tuscaloosa News
“How Print Reporters Work: From Lead Presses to Social Media” July, 2011
Mr. Keith Stewart
Superintendent, Bullock County Schools
“Straight Talk From Successful Superintendents: Throwing Your Hat in the Ring” September, 2007
“Anticipating the First Year Experiences: Insights and Implementing Your Vision” August, 2005
STI-Admininstrative Software for Schools, Mobile, Alabama
“Recent Developments in School System Software – Software Technology, Inc.” June, 2004
Ms. Ann Swanner
Financial Consultant,
“Alabama School Finance – 2011: A Practical Approach” May, 2011
“Alabama School Finance – 2010: A Practical Approach” April, 2010
“Alabama School Finance – 2009: A Practical Approach” April, 2009
“Alabama School Finance – 2008: A Practical Approach” May, 2008
“Alabama School Finance – 2007: A Practical Approach” March, 2007
“Alabama School Finance – 2007: A Practical Approach” September, 2006
“Accountability, Audits, and the Alabama Bid Law” May, 2004
“The Foundation Program: A Practical Review” May, 2004
“The Foundation Program: A Practical Review, Audits and Accountability” February, 2004
Dr. Owen Sweatt
Consultant & Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“A Global Approach to Effective Communicatiosn: How Meaning is Made” July, 2011
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications: How Meaning is Made” July, 2010
“Leadership, Leadership Styles and Behaviors” July, 2009
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications: How Meaning is Made” July, 2009
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications: How Meaning is Made” July, 2008
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications” August, 2007
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications” August, 2006
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications” October, 2004
“A Global Approach to Effective Communications” October, 2003
“Dealing with Your Stakeholders” October, 2002
Ms. Tracee Synco
“PEPE on PDA” May, 2003
Dr. C. John Tarter
Professor, The University of Alabama
“Academic Optimism and Shared Decision Making: A Guide to School Improvement” May, 2010
“Academic Optimism: Research and Recommendations” May, 2009
Mr. Chris Tatum
President, Anew PR, Nashville, Tennessee
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Mr. Rick Tillery
Freelance Journalist, Washington, D.C.
“Putting Out the Fire: How to Keep a Bad Situation from Getting Worse…” July, 2009
Mr. Joe Tucker
Attorney at Law
“Court Orders and Consent Decrees” March, 2003
Dr. Gloria Turner
Coordinator of Student Assessment, Alabama State Department of Education
“Curriculum/Assessment/Accountabiliy for Student Learning” February, 2004
“Testing and Curriculum” June, 2003
Mr. Neal Vickers
News Anchor, WERC 960 AM Talk Radio
“The Art of the Airwaves: How to Prepare for a Radio Interview – A News Anchor’s Approach, July, 2011
“The Art of the Airwaves: How to Prepare for a Radio Interview – A News Anchor’s Approach, July, 2010
“The Radio Reporter’s Perspective: There is no Such Thing as a Dead Mike” July, 2009
The Radio Reporter’s Perspective: There is no Such Thing as a Dead Mike” July, 2008
“The Reporter’s Perspective” August, 2007
“The Reporter’s Perspective” August, 2006
“The Reporter’s Perspective” October, 2004
“The Reporter’s Perspective” November, 2003
Mr. Patrick Verda
IBM Representative
“Data Integration and Decision Making” June, 2010
Ms. Shanthia Washington
Education Specialist, Alabama State Department of Education, Montgomery
“The ABC’s of Accountability” August, 2008
“The Alabama Data Warehouse, an Overview” August, 2008
Dr. Timothy Waters
Executive Director, McREL
“The Effect of Superintendent Leadership on Student Achievement” June, 2008
Mr. Tommy Whiten
Technology Coordinator, Madison County Schools
“Exploring Alabama’s Statewide Distance Learning Initiative “ACCESS”; Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide” July, 2005
Ms. Avis Williams
Principal, Montview Elementary School, Huntsville City Schools
“The Face of Poverty” September, 2007
Dr. Connie Williams
Superintendent, Hoover City Schools
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek Office and How To Do It” August, 2005
“Throwing Your Hat in the Ring: The Decision to Seek the Job” August, 2004
“The Roles of the Superintendent and Factors That Influence Implementation” June, 2004
Ms. Donna Williamson
Technology Coordinator, Mountain Brook Schools
“Networking Total Cost of Ownership, and Staff Development” May, 2003
Dr. Mike Wilson
Principal, Birmingham CitySchools
“XO Laptops in Birmingham City Schools” June, 2010
“The Digital Divide and Technology: What can we do?” June, 2007
Ms. Odessa Woolfolk
Chair Emerita Board of Directors, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
“Discussion and Tour of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute” September, 2006
Dr. James Wright
Professor, Auburn University-Montgomery
“Superintendents’ PEPE, Alabama Leadership Standards and a Practical View of Both” June, 2008
Dr. Vivian H. Wright
Assistant Professor, The University of Alabama
“Emerging Technologies and Education: Can You Meet Your Students’ and Parents’ Expectations in the Classroom?” July, 2005
Ms. Stephanie Youngblood
Social Networking Specialist and Media Trainer
“Getting Your Message Out: A Hands-on Skill Development Workshop” July, 2010