About the Academy

The Alabama Superintendents Academy works with passionate leaders dedicated to transforming
school systems so that every child has the opportunity to access world-class public education.

About Us

Preparing qualified and effective school system leaders.
Every child a graduate. Every graduate prepared.

During the past 10 years, Alabama educators have participated in unparalleled efforts to improve schools and raise student achievement in elementary and secondary grades. These efforts have consisted of new subject-matter content standards; increased requirements for high school graduation; statewide testing and assessment requirements for students; performance-based accountability programs for schools; teacher and school leader professional development programs; entry certification standards for both teachers and school leaders; school financial officer and technology coordinator requirements; a comprehensive school fiscal accountability program; reading, math, science, technology and career/technical initiatives; implementation of the federal program “No Child Left Behind” and more recently, the “Every Student Succeeds Act.” As a result of these educational reform efforts, the jobs of Alabama school leaders have changed dramatically. Many of them are facing demands that they have not been trained to deal with.

After realizing the challenges that Alabama school leaders were facing, the Alabama State Department of Education launched the Superintendents’ Academy. The Academy is designed to develop the leadership, planning and decision making skills needed by results-oriented school leaders while creating a diverse pool of applicants ready to assume system-wide leadership positions.

The University of Alabama Superintendents’ Academy mission furthers that initial school leadership program and creates school leadership development activities that sustain the goal of accelerating Alabama student learning through qualified and effective school system leadership.

The University of Alabama Superintendents’ Academy is a collaborative effort between the Instructional Services Division of the Alabama State Department of Education and The University of Alabama College of Education’s Department of Educational Leadership, Policy and Technology Studies.